Five Heavenly Emperors Pilgrimaging to the Primeval Lord of Heaven Part of the Mural


Title: [field title]

Dates: [685-758]

Locations: [ China, Henan, Lao Tzu Temple, Luoyang, Mangshan Mountain ]

Categories: [ Arts, Creation, Portrait, Works ]

Object Form: [ Painting ]

Mediums: [ Chinese Brush Painting, Chinese Traditional Painting, Gongbi, Meticulous Painting, Mural ]

Camera Types: [ Close-Range Photogrammetry ]

Camera Brands or Makers: [ Unknown Camera Maker ]

Classification: [ Multicolor ]

[users include=21] Author: [user last_name], [user first_name]
Nickname: [ [field author] ][/users]

Copyrights: [ Public Domain ]

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I have no sketches and remember them (landscapes) in my mind.

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